A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.  Matthew 6:33 AMPC

hide and seek“Who wants to play hide-and-seek?”

“I do.”

“Okay, you hide, and I’ll seek. Close your eyes. No peeking. Count to ten. No cheating.”

As a child, one of my favorite games I played at school and home was hide-and-seek. It’s not limited to athletes. It’s a game that invites all who want to come and play. The only requirement was to be the first to find the best hiding place. The joy of childhood. Living carefree.

God wants to play hide-and-seek with His children too. He wants us to come and play in a childlike way. To live free from worry and anxiety. Our big brother Jesus gives the cure for anxiety: take no thought for your life what you eat, drink, or wear. Jesus knows our Father and His righteousness and how the kingdom operates.  

Jesus doesn’t want us to worry about the burdens and cares of provision, protection, and preservation. Taking thought on these things is what causes anxiety. He knows what we need and promises to supply it. Anxiety causes us to be distracted, distraught, and dismayed.

The remedy for anxiety isn’t a magic pill but a daily process of striving to be right with God—believing God. God wants to save and deliver us from all our fear, doubt, worry, and unbelief. When we make the kingdom of God and His righteousness our aim, we are right with God. The issues of life are real, but so is the Word of God. God gives us the choice to have righteousness, peace, and joy. Kingdom victory—as children who live, laugh, love, and play hide-and-seek.

Decide to draw closer to God so you can live free of worry and anxiety. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and tvjoern.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sonia Ivy

Sonia Ivy is a writer.