A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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My Picture of Jesus

He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.  Hebrews 1:3 NASB

my picture of JesusMy wife has a wonderful tradition of making New Year calendars for us to use during the upcoming year.

She includes outstanding pictures of the family that took place monthly during the closing year so we can flash back and relive them. Looking at her calendars is a blessing. Memories need prompting.

My wife has made these memory calendars for years, and we can recapture family memories almost as if we have stepped into a time machine anytime we bring out the calendars. We relive our life. Our children’s sweet little faces and happy occasions come to life again. Our dogs and cats, whom we loved so much, come back to life and frolic with joyous abandon before our eyes.         

Recently, I came across a verse in the Bible that reveals a picture of Jesus. So I now carry His picture with me everywhere I go.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the radiance of God the Father. The Father sent Him to earth to reveal who and what God is. Now, we can understand.

Jesus came as a radiant baby. Then, growing through the childhood stages, Jesus grew into manhood. Precise word pictures present the memories of His life, death, burial, and resurrection. The Spirit captured the radiance of Jesus in the Bible.

Jesus is also pictured as the exact representation of the nature of God Almighty. Wanting to understand the attributes of God, we need to study our Bible. By understanding Jesus, we know God.

Jesus is the Creator who upholds all of creation. He is the creator and sustainer of molecular adhesion, which holds matter together. He holds together the molecules of the chair in which I presently sit. If they lost their adhesion, I would suddenly hit the floor.

These snapshots compose the picture of my Lord, which I carry with me everywhere I go.

How can you daily carry your picture of Jesus close to your heart? Time passes quickly. 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Robert L. Segress

The Rev. Dr. Bob Segress served as a licensed psychological clinician for twenty-five years. Upon retiring, he served for fifteen years as a prison minister. Retiring again, he began writing full-time after a period of boredom. He has written: The Biblical Approach To Psychology while serving as a college educator, The Shelton Series, and, in 2012, Ten Years Inside Shelton Prison. Currently, he writes for several publications such as Halo Magazine.