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Resurrecting Hope

He went in and said to them, "Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep."  Mark 5:39 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.In room 503, He whispered to me, and my eyes popped open. “It’s time to awaken my child. I am not done with you yet. Your story is just beginning.”

Lying in the hospital bed, motionless. No coloring in the face or frigid hands. Tubes and wires going in all directions. Still, the clamoring of all alarms and carts ceased. Doctors and nurses overflowed into the hallway—solemnly standing with tears pouring down, reflecting on the end gone wrong and the flat white line across the screen.

Mark tells of a little girl's family who mourned with angst and grief over her sickness. In desperation, they went to find Jesus. As Jesus walked with them to their house, a messenger arrived and said she had died.

As the crowd mocked Jesus, doubting His power and word, Jesus, along with a select few disciples and the little girl’s father and mother, went to the girl’s bedside. Jesus held her hand and told her to get up…and she did.

The little girl had no pulse. No evidence of life. Yet by the power of Jesus, her rib cage rose. God spoke a better word, not only to her but also to us. Because of Him, hope resurrects.

Most of us have been in this place. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. I can relate to this little girl in more ways than one. Dead. Gone. No evidence of return. Still, as we see Jesus’ response, He didn’t even waver.

No marriage is too far gone. No body too broken. No dream is dead. No diagnosis is a death sentence. No finances are beyond reviving. No life is a waste.

Jesus longs to bring to life and awaken even the deepest and darkest of people and places. If not here on earth, for eternity in heaven.

Quiet the chaos and distractions of this world. Take Jesus at His Word and surrender all to Him.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Alisha Scroggins

Tenacious, compassionate, and beloved daughter of the King, Alisha Scroggins is a proud Wildcat basketball fan and Kentucky native. Upon completion of dual bachelor's degrees, she moved to the foothills of Virginia, where she served for three years as a middle school teacher and residential supervisor at Mountain Mission. After a sudden diagnosis of several complex medical conditions at only 24 years of age, she moved to Roanoke, where she soon became solely dependent on a tube for nutrition. Launching a blog and YouTube channel, Mess 2 Masterpiece, from her hospital room, Alisha refuses to let her diagnoses define her. Rather, she has grown more compelled to share her story of brokenness to beauty, rescuing others from the deep valleys she once found herself in. You can connect with Alisha on her website alishascroggins.com, by email at contact@alishascroggins.com, or on social media.