A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

"A devotion may be someone's only Bible for the day."

Today's Devotion

A Greater Impact

Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.  Matthew 15:28 NIV

a greater impactI remember when two excited grandchildren had their first sleepover at my house.

At bedtime, I was privileged to choose the book to read—a book with one-page Bible stories and illustrations. Our evening reading included how God made Eve from Adam’s rib. I didn’t realize how attentively they listened until the following morning when they wanted me to climb into the sofa bed to snuggle. Although my right hip was not very cooperative, I eventually made it. The six-year-old piped up, “Maybe God could take out your bad hip and give you a new one!” Wouldn’t that be lovely? I thought. Someday, I’ll have a whole new body. Meanwhile, ibuprofen is my friend.

Human bodies do wear out. Illness and disease are a reality. We pray for healing and recovery. Many times, God honors those prayers with wholeness. In most cases, it comes with surgery, medical intervention, medicines, and physical therapy. Occasionally, we see God’s miraculous hand for a more immediate cure. But to our minds, it doesn’t happen often enough, and we wonder why.

Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. Jesus’ response to the woman indicates His compassion. It wasn’t just in that moment when He complimented her faith or granted her request. The waiting in the moments before was not due to a lack of compassion. Instead, it created space for contemplation and developing that woman’s faith. She showed the strength of her commitment, allowing her to demonstrate her belief in Him through worship. And it allowed Jesus to make a grander statement in the end. His healing of the child had a more significant impact, cracking the door to ministry to those outside of the Jewish faith.

Our faith can still increase when we or those we love suffer. We can still worship Jesus as Lord and Savior and open our hearts to Him. Be eager for that day when, as one He’s redeemed, you experience your brilliant new body. Believe He has a plan for your heavenly healing.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Anemone123.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Anita van der Elst

Anita van der Elst finds joy in creating with words, believing God gifted her with the desire to do so. Married to her best friend, Edward, since 1976, she is a proud mom of four adult children and Oma to two of the most delightful grandchildren ever. Other joys in her life include bringing beauty to Facebook through photos she takes on her iPhone, facilitating a small women’s group at church, and mentoring a few friends who also desire to write.

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