A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

"A devotion may be someone's only Bible for the day."

Today's Devotion

Yes to the Best

Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”  Mark 1:38 NIV

yes to the bestThe smiling bride-to-be held a dress bag and a sign that read, “I said yes to the dress.” She had shopped and tried on wedding dresses until she found the perfect one—the dress of her dreams. Like so many others on social media, her picture proclaimed to the world that she had said yes to the best.

Jesus taught and lived the importance of saying yes to the best, and He was not referring to clothing or a social event. He lived the perfect life, shared God’s perfect love, and offered his perfect salvation. Yet many misunderstood. They wanted Jesus to meet their less-than-the-best expectations.  

While in Capernaum, Jesus taught in the synagogue, cast out demons, and healed the sick. When He withdrew to pray the following morning, Simon and others searched for him. Although they expected Jesus to continue His ministry there, Jesus announced His plan to move on. He came not for one group of people but for all. Others needed to hear His message and have an opportunity to give their lives to Him. 

As Jesus’ followers, we cannot say yes to every opportunity. Time, financial, and travel restraints hold us back from many. When unsure where and how to serve in the best way, we do well to follow Jesus’ example: draw away for prayer and seek God’s plan.

Daily, we choose between our agendas or God’s perfect plan that leads to eternal joy. God offers the best. Don’t settle for less.

Will you follow God’s perfect guidance to always say yes to the best?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and pexels.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Diana Derringer

Diana Derringer is author of Beyond Bethlehem and Calvary: 12 Dramas for Christmas, Easter, and More! She writes for several publications and enjoys traveling with her husband and serving as a friendship family to international university students. She offers life lessons from English expressions at dianaderringer.com.

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Several years ago, Christian Devotions came under cyber attack. Thanks to our readers we were able to rise from the ashes and be stronger than ever. Founded in 2008, Christian Devotions Ministries is a 501C3, non-profit organization striving to bring the light of Christ to others one devotion at a time. Thanks to the generous donations of our readers, this ministry thrives. Because of these gifts, we are able to provide benevolence when needed, spread the Word of God to over 157 countries, and offer new writers an opportunity to have their words published. This ministry is overseen by a board of directors and all who offer their time in service of this work are volunteers. Thank you for your kind support. Donations are tax deductible. This ministry thrives on the prayers of our readers. If you would like to be a prayer warrior for Christian Devotions Ministries, email us at christiandevotionsministries@gmail.com and we will add you to our prayer letter. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. - Psalm 19:14


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