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And the Angels Sang

And the morning stars sang in unison, and all the divine beings shouted?  Job 38:7 CEB

and the angels sangAs I write this, my cousin Joyce’s husband of nearly sixty years stepped into heaven almost one year ago.

He had experienced declining health for several years before his passing. Joyce loves the Lord and trusts in Him totally, but as any of us would, she grieved her husband’s death. About two months after his death, Joyce had to make the difficult decision to put their sixteen-year-old pup, Maggie, to sleep. Then came new grief. Joyce needed a touch from the Master’s hand.

Shortly after Maggie’s death, Joyce walked through her backyard one day. She heard the most beautiful music as she approached a large tree in the center of the yard. She looked around to see if any neighbors were playing music outside. She checked for any traffic on her road that could have the radio turned up. She even looked up for an airplane.

Nothing, but the music continued. Finally, Joyce looked into the heavens and declared, “Oh God!” She knew it could only be from Him. She could distinguish the different instruments—horns, harps, and cymbals—as she stood rooted to the spot.

She walked around the tree, and the music faded a bit. But upon returning to the original spot, the music was as loud as before. As she reached into her pocket for her phone to record this concert, the music stopped as suddenly as it had begun.

Joyce related this divine encounter to me. “God knew I needed to hear from Him,” she said. We are convinced this angelic presentation was for her ears only. She asked a couple of close neighbors if they had heard anything. Of course, they hadn’t. Joyce was tuned in, so to speak. She listened for that still, small voice—the voice in the thin silence—and she heard.

God speaks in many ways, and He is the master musician. We may not all be blessed to hear an angelic concert, but we all have ears and should listen for however God speaks to us.

What are some ways God has spoken to you? 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Joenomias.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Lucy Allen

Lucy Allen is the author of The Pond, a Christian devotional book published in 2016. You can read more about her book at www.lucybythepond.com. She and her husband live in North Carolina are are the parents of two adult children.