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Sin's Sweet Seduction

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10 NIV

sin's sweet seduction“The city voted that nobody can plant ivy anymore because it kills the other plants,” my mother-in-law explained.

The puzzled look on my face must have told her I didn’t understand why. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

Dorothy looked out the sliding glass door of the dining room to her backyard.

“Look at my gorgeous old oak tree. Doesn’t the ivy look beautiful? People use it for bouquets at weddings. It adds the perfect touch to flowers.”

I glanced at the towering tree. “It looks fine to me,” I said. “The ivy looks lovely as it winds up the tree.”

My husband said the plant would eventually choke the tree and strongly encouraged his mom to let him remove it. She refused.

How could a tiny, tender plant kill a tree planted two centuries ago? The lush, deep-veined leaves appeared as innocent as a newborn baby. But slower than a slug, the vines worked together, entwining into ropes. The foliage seemed harmless and fragile as its tiny leaves climbed the towering trunk.

About two years later, my husband asked his mom, “Are you sure you don’t want me to remove the ivy? It’s taking over and will soon kill your tree.”

Dot frowned at him. “I love that ivy. Just leave it alone. It’s harmless.”

That was the last conversation about the old oak. Fast forward a handful of years. The ivy wound its way around the trunk and branches. The air supply diminished, and the tree’s leaves wilted and died. Eventually, the rope-like vines killed the tree. It was too late to save the glorious towering tree.

Such is the slow strangulation of sin. The Bible says Satan disguises himself as an angel of light—like the lovely leaves of ivy most brides want in their bouquets. Sin appears as innocent as a dove, yet its roots gradually saturate the soul.

One day, those deceived realize the sin is killing them. Conviction runs through their veins, and they know only a miracle will bring them back to life.

We are all blinded at times, thinking our sin isn’t that big of a deal. The sweet seduction Satan uses to draw us in looks so perfect on the outside.

Is there anything in your life that seems harmless but is taking over? What can you do to rid your life of it? 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Cherrie Herrin-Michehl

Cherrie is a writer.