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Let God Ask You Questions

After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?"  John 21:15 NLT

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I question God.

My sister’s best friend Jenny died on her 21st birthday when she was hit by a drunk driver. In the short time Jenny was on earth, she accepted everyone and touched many lives with her smile. She had so much life ahead of her.

I asked God, “Why did You take her from this earth so early?” God answered my question with a question: “Do you trust Me, Carly? Do you trust Me that she is in good hands now?”

Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him more than others. I believe Jesus knew Peter loved Him, even though Peter would deny Him three times. Jesus wanted to expose Peter’s tendency to go along with the crowd and also forget his first love for God.

God cares about our inquiries, but He answers in the most unexpected ways. He replies to them with more questions for us to ponder. This a part of God’s wisdom. He already knows the answer, but He helps us see other side of situations and exposes our true motives. 

When a mother tells her son not to cross the street unless he looks both ways, but the son doesn’t pay attention because there is an ice cream stand across the street, she knows why he does. She still has compassion and asks for an explanation. The mother does this so the child will know it’s dangerous to cross the street without looking, even if it’s for something tantalizing.

I may never know why Jenny was taken from this life, but I know God always has our best interests at heart. And I know Jenny is in heaven watching over me and my sister.

Don’t be afraid to let God ask you questions.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Carly Wiggins

Carly Wiggins finds writing therapeutic and a way for her to share her thoughts with the world. She also has a poetry blog called Message In Stanza (http://www.messageinstanza.com) and a Christian YouTube channel called Carly’s Niche (https://youtu.be/6fBSUEAMTAw) where she shares God’s Word and recites poetry. She loves the Lord and spreading His love to others.