A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Our Rock

And drank the same drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.  1 Corinthians 10:4 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Although I grew weary in the daily routine, I somehow kept smiling.

My weariness came from another load of washing or another complaint from a grumbly geriatric. But I did not need to make mountains from molehills. A thought came: Jesus is my rock. The thought seemed so clear…like an inspiration.

I considered how my rock, Jesus, enables me to keep going and keep smiling. As I sipped a coffee, I turned to my Bible for a holy message relevant for me or any Christian. It came in this verse: And drank the same drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.

With this reading, I interpreted the message to mean I can build my humble life on worshipping Jesus, the rock of our Christian faith. This truth is still relevant today, even if we read it in the context of the first century.

We are saved if we trust Jesus with all our heart. Following Him can assist anyone to do tasks with a cheerful heart and to stay positive in the face of adversity. As Christians, if we remain positive each day, our faith can achieve greater things in the world.

I believe following Jesus is an excellent way for all to be daily witnesses. I can keep smiling with Jesus as my rock. As a caregiver, I can polish my imaginary halo and keep on keeping on.

Let Jesus be your rock.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Julie Grenness

Julie Grenness is a former teacher and catechist who is now a writer of many online articles, mainly for baby boomers. She is also a caregiver for a geriatric and a part-time tutor and mentor of young Australians from many lands. She aims to be a woman of God and to walk humbly in the path of Jesus.