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Practical Math

Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?  Isaiah 40:12 NLT

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Sometimes, we need a ruler or a tape measure but have neither at hand.

My elementary math teacher taught me to estimate measurements using parts of my body. I’ve used that practical math lesson my entire life. Today, I know the span of my fingers is about eight inches, the distance from my elbow to the tip of my fingers is eighteen inches, and my relaxed stride is about two feet. My grandmother taught me to measure fabric with my arm and to estimate weight: “A pint’s a pound the world around.” With this information, I have a ready tape measure and scale any time I need them.

Isaiah recognized the immensity of God was impossible to understand or measure, yet God can easily measure all of creation. One handful of water equals an ocean. The solar system is the breadth of our God’s outstretched fingers. While our greatest scientists work to calculate the volume of rock in a mountain, God can heft the earth in the palm of His hand and know its weight.

When we forget to marvel at God’s awesomeness, we begin to rely on our own strength and judgements. Isaiah says, Who is able to advise the spirit of the Lord? Who knows enough to give Him advice or teach Him?

If we’re not careful, we can think we know better than God regarding the plans for our life. Or we can question why we are experiencing adversity.

When we find ourselves weary from present circumstances, we should take a moment to marvel at God and His creation. We can envision His mighty hand measuring the universe, cradling the earth, and holding our hand. Just as God holds the earth, He holds our life in this moment in time.

Trust God to be with you, regardless of what you are facing.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Teresa Janzen

Teresa Janzen writes from her sub-Saharan office in East Africa to readers around the globe. With more than 20 years non-profit administration and fund development experience, she shares stories, compelling people to action and service of the world’s most vulnerable populations. As an oral Bible study teacher, Teresa leads inductive Bible studies for oral preferred learners and helps teachers bring content to life through the power of story.