A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

"A devotion may be someone's only Bible for the day."

Today's Devotion

Losing My Mind

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Romans 12:2 NIV

losing my mind“What’s on your mind?”

This question often pops up on my computer. Some days, I must look at my mind. I may have lost it a time or two, but mostly, my head is where it should be: on my shoulders with a neck in between. Heads should be kept cool, especially when things get hot. I tried dipping mine in the pool once, and my hair turned green.

I remember Mom saying, “Don’t waste your mind.”

Mom recycled and re-used plastic containers, bottles, paper towels, and aluminum foil. Nothing got tossed before it was mended, patched, and altered. She saved fabric in the rag bag for quilting.

Waste not, want not. Mom was right. The most crucial thing one might waste is a mind. We can see the lives of many who turn to substances, seeking to ease their minds. Artificial peace is a sure way to lose a mind. Temporary relief is just that—temporary. Confusion, fear, lies, and uncertainty plague this world. Temporary relief is not enough. Who needs a pickled mind?

As Paul commanded, the best way to have a sound mind is to renew it. God’s Word is a treasure that nothing else can offer. The better question is, “What’s on God’s mind?”

I open God’s Word and find comfort, mercy, and peace. And the best part is that Scripture is an eternal source of soundness. God promises to renew our spirits, souls, and physical bodies. No substance can accomplish that.

Commit to renewing your mind daily by studying God’s Word.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and lubovlisitsa.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Harriett Ford

Harriett Ford is a writer of numerous faith-based books, both fiction and non-fiction. She has led women’s Bible study for several years. Her passion is inspirational writing.

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