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God's Hugs

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  Jeremiah 29:12 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I called 911 and then stood by the door and listened to the fireman say, “He’s been gone for a long time.” He can’t be dead, I thought.

After the initial shock at my husband’s death, I returned to my work as an elementary school principal to stave off my grief. My morning quiet time became more important as each Bible passage encouraged me to keep moving forward.

As I read Romans 8:15 one morning—“You have received a spirit of adoption, as sons, by which we cry Abba! Father”— I felt the need for a hug. I wasn’t expecting a hand from the air. I just needed reassurance God saw me. I prayed, “Lord, since I know Winston is not coming back, I need a hug from You.”  

As I prepared to take my morning shower, the thought came, “Look for God’s hugs today.” While doing my morning duties, I heard a page, “Mrs. Newton, please report immediately to the bus zone.” Usually not a good sign. It’s too early for trouble. School hasn’t even geared up for the day, I mused

The bus monitor pointed me to the last bus. When I reached the bus, the driver bounded off to greet me. Encircling me in her arms, she gave me a long bear hug. I hadn’t seen this former church member in several years. She was substituting on this bus run.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I told her how I had asked God for a hug. “You brought me a hug by special delivery,” I said. Then I learned that at 6 a.m. Marsha decided to pick this route so she could see me. The time she picked her route was almost the precise time I told God I needed a hug.

It is reassuring to know God hears us and answers our prayers when we call on Him.

If you need a hug, ask God, He’ll be glad to provide one. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Patricia Newton

Patricia Newton is amazed at the universe God created. She loves to read historical and scientific topics and make connections between the Bible, science, history, and literature, seeing how they intersect in her understanding of the world. She believes there will never be enough time to indulge her thirst for knowledge. Patricia is an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ and believes the Bible has the answer for all that's out of kilter in our present world. She is a member of a big family and has a passel of children of her own. She has earned a B.A. in history, a Masters of Education, and a Bible school diploma.