A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Stop, Drop, and Roll

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  Psalm 91:1

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Stop, drop, and roll” are basic safety instructions taught to emergency service providers when encountering a victim who is on fire.

When someone has caught on fire, halting movement is imperative since it restricts fanning the flames. Dropping to the ground allows the body to roll against another surface to suffocate and extinguish the flames.

Sometimes we can feel as if we’re symbolically ablaze. The same process—stop, drop, and role—can be implemented in our spiritual life, whether seeking God or engaging in warfare with Satan.

Stop what you’re doing and see what the Bible says. The Bible does not address every problem encountered, but it is filled with godly values and principles that are revealed by the Almighty. Proverbs in the Old Testament or James in the New Testament are good places to begin. Each book is filled with wisdom.

Drop to your knees in prayer, asking God for guidance. While there is no requirement to pray from a kneeling position, I find myself praying in this manner when I feel pitiful or praiseworthy. Doing so demonstrates humility, while petitioning God for answers and direction.

Roll your thoughts by a mentor or wise counselor. Seeking wisdom from a mature follower of Christ is modeled throughout Scripture. Moses mentored Joshua. Nathan mentored David. Elijah mentored Elisha. Jesus mentored all the apostles—but with greater intensity focused on Peter, James, and John. Barnabas mentored Paul who in turn mentored Silas, Timothy, Titus, and many others. Paul wrote most of the New Testament. Barnabas also mentored John Mark who wrote the gospel of Mark. Without Barnabas, the New Testament would look different.  

As you absorb biblical truth, open yourself to God’s direction. Having it reinforced by mature followers of Christ brings things into sharper focus. The circumstances might not get easier, but the outcome will likely be aligned with God’s will.

There is no better way to dwell in God’s shelter or abide in His shadow than to stop, drop, and roll. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jim McNeff

Jim McNeff is the author of The Spirit behind Badge 145. He worked in military and civilian law enforcement for thirty-one years. While in the USAF, he flew as a crewmember aboard the National Emergency Airborne Command Post—a presidential support detail. Following his military service, he served for twenty-seven years with the Fountain Valley Police Department in Orange County, California, where he retired as a lieutenant. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from Southwest University and graduated from the prestigious Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute as well as the IACP course, Leadership in Police Organizations. Jim is married and has three adult children and three grandchildren. You can contact him at jrmcneff@gmail.com or view his website www.badge145.com which is geared toward encouraging the law enforcement family.