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Turning from the Night to the Morning

God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.  Psalm 46:5 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. A New Year gives the feeling of a clean slate, a fresh start, and a time to restart.

I’m an OTJ (Old Testament Junkie). The break of the day was a time when enemies loved to attack. Our enemy loves to come in those hours before we awake to bring thoughts and dreams of stress, anger, pain, and destruction. God, however, brings salvation, healing, joy, and deliverance.

Break of day literally means “at the turning of the morning.” God turns us from a place of darkness, an ending, a long-standing situation, or a threatening circumstance. In this turn, He sets us in a place of peace and joy and gives us the ability to see Him moving in our favor. The turning from a time of darkness to a time of morning might not be instantaneous, but the turning will occur.

The “her” is the “city of God,” the place where the Most High dwells. According to Jesus, believers are a city set on a hill (Matthew 5:14). Paul says they are “no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God … who are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:19-22).

If we take the word “her” and make it personal, we can rest knowing we will not fall. Slipping and sliding will occur during our life journeys, but a complete falling where God drops us won’t happen. God chooses to be within us—to make His dwelling in our temples. The God who lives inside our temple body promises that joy will come in the morning—not just any joy but God’s heavenly joy.

Child of God, know that He is always with you and will turn your darkness into light and your mourning into joy.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Carlie Venkler

Carlie Venkler and her husband, Chris, reside in Alabama along with their teenage children, Aubrey and Michael, with whom they are immensly blessed.  


  1. What a precious reminder of the security we have in our God!