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What's on Your Bucket List?

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Philippians 2:4 ESV

Photo courtesy of morguefile and jdurham.Brvvvvv. 5:04 PM. I glanced at my cell phone. BETTY flashed upon the screen. “Sorry, I need to take this call,” I said to the co-worker chatting with me. “This is my mom.”

Mom called to inform me she had landed safely in Jacksonville and was on her way to my brother’s home. At age 79, Mom wanted to visit my brother in Florida while she was physically able. She had always wanted to see the house he designed and built. “It’s on my bucket list,” Mom once told me. 

After the call ended, I thought about Mom being able to cross the visit off her list. When people talk about their bucket list, it usually contains a list of experiences they want to accomplish during their lifetime. Some are exhilarating adventures that bring a sense of wonder or excitement. Others are visits like my mom’s. At no time, however, have I heard people say their bucket list contains experiences like serving in a soup kitchen or making weekly visits to a nursing home. I wondered why. Perhaps, these endeavors aren’t grand enough. People tend to pursue gratification.   Bucket lists seem to be “me” centered. What “I” take away from the experience.

Then I thought about Jesus. What might His bucket list look like? Water to wine. Feeding 5000. Rising from the dead. In all of His experiences and achievements, His focus was not on himself. It was on others.

Hmmm. So, where does that leave me? If I take my example from Jesus, my bucket list will change dramatically. It will require a different way of thinking. My focus will turn outward on others instead of inward on me. I must be willing to make that change. Take hold of your bucket list and change.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and jdurham.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.) 

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Sheryl M. Baker

Sheryl M. Baker enjoys bringing hope and encouragement through God's Word. Her devotions have appeared in Light from the Word, The Secret Place, Power for Today, and christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author to Yvonne Lehman’s books, Spoken Moments, More Christmas Moments, and Loving Moments. Sheryl lives in northwest Indiana with her husband Ben and spoiled cat Rex. Connect with Sheryl at sherylmbaker.wordpress.com or spunbythepotter.com.


  1. Good advice for all Americans and so in line with God''s Word!