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She Could Have Danced

O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see your countenance, let me hear your voice; for sweet is your voice, and your countenance is comely.  Song of Solomon 2:14

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)Ariel danced as she had never danced before. She twirled countless times and soared as high as her pint-sized legs would take her. Although no music played, she danced and danced; for the love from her audience was the only music that sang in her little heart. It was the only music she needed. It was the only music that stirred her to perform—as though she were a prima ballerina.

“Oh, look at her twirl. What a beautiful dance. Why, she’s a gifted dancer. And such a long dance too. Me, oh my!” Sincere and earnest compliments flowed from a loving family. All were amazed by a little girl’s tenacity to create such a sterling performance. 

A wise woman I loved so dearly made this remark about her first grandson who was considered diminutive. “Well, if love will make him grow … he’ll be a giant.” And the young boy who was small and skinny grew into a man of muscle and stature—a man of character.

And the heavenly host spied the child of God whose heart was given to Jesus, a child whose sins were washed in His blood. She was a child of promise, with destiny, and oh how Father adored His little child. But His heart was saddened for she could not see her Father’s heart. She could not embrace with reckless abandon His love for her. Fears of rejection paralyzed her feet from moving out of a constricted mold. Would her destiny perish? Would her God-given dreams and passions be aborted while irrational fears kept her locked away from the knowledge of her Father’s love?

I say today to the children of the Most High … dance with all your might. Soar with Father’s love. Dare to twirl and perform ballets long into the night. Come out of your constricted position, and flee the taunts of Satan. Run into the arms of your heavenly Father Who has loved you to dance—loved you to victory—loved you into becoming a giant.

Listen to the music from heaven. Dance on. Dance with your Beloved—far into the night.

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Margie Houmes

After Margie Houmes retired from teaching, the Lord told her to pick up her pen and write. She loves sharing her passion for Jesus Christ on her women’s blog and teen blog. Watching Jesus release people from bondage and giving them new marching orders is one of her greatest joys. She serves the Lord in several ministries at Celebration Church, and loves it. Margie lives in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband Bob. They are blessed with sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Visit her at www.margiehoumes.com