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God Is My Midwife

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.  Hebrews 4:15 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.God is my midwife.

The Bible depicts God as a fatherly figure, steeped in compassion and power and one who disciplines those He loves. Our creator is a part of everything in the universe.

Soon-to-be fathers have expectancy and determination to be the best they can be when they meet their buddle of joy. But nothing compares to a mother’s love. She understands the pain of going through nine months of pregnancy: morning sickness, sensitive smells, a more holistic diet. A mother is with her baby every step of the way because she has to be. God does the same.

Since God created both male and female, I believe He empathizes with both as the writer of Hebrews implies and is everyone’s mid-wife. God is love, so He is here to help us through every pain we go through.

Everyone is about to experience some blessngs God has promised to deliver on. They are about to give birth to their hopes and dreams. God wants to help us through the struggles we experience when we feel like giving up. Many women, while giving birth, say, “I can’t do this.” But a loved one or a doctor coaches them to continue pushing. God does the same. We aren’t alone. God holds our hand through every sharp pain.

Experience God taking you through the tough seasons so you can feel the blessings of the Lord on the other side.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Carly Wiggins

Carly Wiggins finds writing therapeutic and a way for her to share her thoughts with the world. She also has a poetry blog called Message In Stanza (http://www.messageinstanza.com) and a Christian YouTube channel called Carly’s Niche (https://youtu.be/6fBSUEAMTAw) where she shares God’s Word and recites poetry. She loves the Lord and spreading His love to others. 


  1. This is wonderful!

  2. Very nicely said. I believe as you do life is not always easy but the love and joy in our hearts and of man kind make all our trials worth it. God is Good