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Come to a Place of Peace

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you that are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light."  Matthew 11:28-30 NLT

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Although God’s grace is transforming me, I’m not great at communicating.

I don't like talking about things—especially problems or obstacles I face. I once had a "can do it alone" mentality. Maybe that's why when I faced a problem that even seemed above me I believed I could handle it myself. The truth was I could never handle it all by myself—but I tried because I believed I could. 

With a huge burden on my shoulders and a stubborn attitude, I would refuse to talk to anybody about it. Slowly but surely, the burden began to magnify, causing me sleepless nights and at times a changing disposition. I had no peace.

Jesus’ words came like a cold drink of water to a thirsty soul—a soul crying out for help. I believe Jesus is saying when we are faced with a burden—one we may not feel like discussing with those around us, that we have a Father who is saying "Come." He is ready to listen.

Not only does God listen, He also replaces. He replaces the burden with something much lighter and easier to bear. We do not have to be crushed any longer by our burdens. In Him, we have the peace we have been searching for. 

When things in life weigh you down and cause you sleepless nights, respond to Jesus' invitation to “Come.” Receive the peace He is offering freely. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Uche Agor

Uche Agor is twenty-seven years old and currently a medical student. She loves reading, spending time with her family, and spending time with her Savior, Jesus Christ.