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A Galaxy Far Away

He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Hebrews 13:5

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Thinking about Carrie, have you sat for several hours and cheered for Princess Leia as she challenged the evil empire, stood up to Hans Solo, and strangled Jabba the Hutt?

Everything seemed better when the universe was safe and when all the enemies had been defeated. Peace reigned supreme. What a great feeling. Then the lights came on and you left the theater. Once out the door, you had to battle thorough a haze of cigarette smoke, trek through the crowds to the parking lot, and then fight traffic on the interstate on the way home. Maybe total peace had not been accomplished

Or life seems good and love surrounds you as you sit before a blazing fireplace with that special person next to you, while a George Michael song plays. Then the phone rings and a telemarketer wants to sell you burial insurance. “Life ends,” you are told, and the mood is broken.

But there is a galaxy where the enemies have no presence. They were conquered forever centuries ago and peace does reign. And there is a mansion with a fireplace where love is never interrupted.

The things of this world—the enemies and the interruptions—will never be defeated while we are here. We must step out of the theater of reality and enter the world of the supernatural. The place where Christ reigns and love lives. The place where our fears are left behind and life eternal is good.

I have God’s assurance that He will never leave my side and will always defend me. The Word does not say it will be perfect; it just says it will not be lonely, and defeat has been defeated.

Anyone can go to this galaxy now by opening God’s Word, allowing Him to speak, and turning control of their life over to the Lord of Lords. The world will then make perfect, uninterrupted, and peace-filled sense.

Don’t wait. The Galaxy beckons. An eternal empire with the King of Kings on His throne. It’s a box office hit. Don’t miss it. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Gary Griffin

Gary Griffin is married to his life-long traveling partner of fifty-three years, Mary Alice, and lives—along with Zeus the Chocolate Lab who guards their little ranch—in East Texas. He has worked as a field engineer for a large computer company and served as a Baptist preacher. Gary writes and blogs daily and loves the Lord above all else. His life experiences have taken him to forty-nine states and several countries and allowed him to serve as a part-time missionary in Mexico.