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Longing for Egypt

Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron during the night. "Get out!" he ordered. "Leave my people, and take the rest of the Israelites with you! Go and worship the Lord as you have requested."  Exodus 12:31 NLT

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Desperate for God to hear my petitions, I prayed, fasted, and begged Him for mercy.

There was a time when I needed my circumstances to change. After what seemed an eternity, God answered my prayers. For a time, I celebrated in worship. Then obstacles emerged—which I initially faced with enthusiasm. But I lost momentum. Doubt crept in. I remembered what I had left behind and longed for the past.

For days I wrestled with God. Then a friend reminded me that God does not forsake His own. I realized my focus was on the obstacle when it needed to be on God and His faithfulness. By refocusing, I regained my footing and stopped longing for the past.

The Israelites spent 430 years in captivity, longing to be rescued. Imagine their emotions as the news of freedom circulated through each family. But at some point in their journey through the wilderness, disenchantment replaced their enthusiasm.

From their perspective, it was taking too long to reach their final destination. Minor irritations turned to grumbling. Complaints mounted. Instead of focusing on God’s promises, they remembered what they left behind and longed to return to Egypt where they were fed and knew what to expect. In misery, they had comfort.

In the desert, uncertainty became their misery. And uncertainty was more than they could handle. They hit a snag—a bump in the road. A bump that caused them to doubt God’s faithfulness.

If you’re in a similar place—you’ve been rescued but have hit a snag, lost your focus, and are longing for your past—remember God’s faithfulness. Worship Christ as your Rescuer, Redeemer, and Savior.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jill Printzenhoff

Jill Printzenhoff is a wife, mother, blogger, and outdoor enthusiast who resides in Lititz, PA. She can be reached at www.jiprint@icloud.com.