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Hiding in Plain Sight

Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.  Psalm 139:12 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Ready or not, here I come!” yelled my granddaughter as she uncovered her eyes and set out to find her two brothers and me. Silently, I squatted behind the Barbie playhouse.

Seconds earlier, her three-year-old brother ran to the same play area behind the couch. Spotting the Fisher Price kitchen set, he opened the oven door on the left and started to crawl in. Realizing he was not going to fit, he twisted his body sideways and attempted to squeeze through the stove into the side below the sink. With a couple of seconds to spare, he opened the door and peered out from under the sink; his legs and bottom sticking out the opposite side. 

I muffled a soft giggle. My grandson looked up and saw me watching. His face lit up and a smile emerged just as his sister finished counting and announced she was on her way to find us. He stood quietly, grinning at me, eyes sparkling, thinking because part of him was hidden inside the stove that the rest of him would not be seen. As his sister bounded onto the couch and looked over the edge, she spotted her brother. “I found you!” she squealed, eliciting a shriek of laughter from her brother.

As I considered the scene, I laughed at its absurdity. I’m just like my grandson when I attempt to hide myself or my actions, thinking no one will see me. Yet all the while, God is watching and knows what I’m doing all the time.

The choices I make not only affect me but may also affect others and my relationship with God. My actions and choices should honor God, not make Him sad. He is a loving Father and wants what’s best for me.

Make sure you’re ready when God announces, “Ready or not, here I come!” 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sheryl M. Baker

Sheryl M. Baker enjoys bringing hope and encouragement through God's Word. Her devotions have appeared in Light from the Word, The Secret Place, Power for Today, and christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author to Yvonne Lehman’s books, Spoken Moments, More Christmas Moments, and Loving Moments. Sheryl lives in northwest Indiana with her husband Ben and spoiled cat Rex. Connect with Sheryl at sherylmbaker.wordpress.com or spunbythepotter.com.


  1. I loved the analogy and was blessed by the reminder.

  2. This is a beautiful,well written piece.