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A Community of Love

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  Isaiah 55:8 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay. Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. I can still hear the lazy gate of horses’ hooves clicking evenly against the worn pavement just beyond the door of the one-room school house where I taught.

Although it has been over fifteen years, on a warm spring afternoon, my mind can be transported back in an instant to the quiet classroom at the end of a school day. Curtains flutter around open windows, tickled by a soft breeze as it enters the room. Beams of sunlight splash across wooden desks lined up in rows. The pungent smell of surrounding farms permeates the air. Children’s laughter beckons as they play in their yards among colorful gardens and clotheslines. Peace and contentment reside in my heart.

Several years ago, I had the unique experience of teaching in an Amish school even though I was not Amish. In looking back, I believe God purposely placed me in this position among these foreign people to teach me about His love. He knew I would go through a divorce and face some of the most painful and difficult times in my life. During those heart-wrenching days, the Amish led by example and showed me God’s love repeatedly. Even though I was an outsider in their community, they treated me kindly and loved me just the same.

Through those years, I learned that sometimes we don’t always know what lies ahead. And, sometimes, we don’t always know what is going on in someone else’s life. Yet God calls us to love others as ourselves and treat others with kindness. He calls us to accept those who are not like us and to be His hands and feet to them. God calls us to a life of servanthood. 

Whatever your circumstance, be God’s example. Radiate His love to everyone you meet. You never know. You may be the glimpse of God that makes a difference in someone’s life.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Sheryl M. Baker

Sheryl M. Baker enjoys bringing hope and encouragement through God's Word. Her devotions have appeared in Light from the Word, The Secret Place, Power for Today, and christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author to Yvonne Lehman’s books, Spoken Moments, More Christmas Moments, and Loving Moments. Sheryl lives in northwest Indiana with her husband Ben and spoiled cat Rex. Connect with Sheryl at sherylmbaker.wordpress.com or spunbythepotter.com.