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Transitions Bring Different Provisions

The very next day they began to eat unleavened bread and roasted grain harvested from the land. No manna appeared that day, and it was never seen again.  Joshua 5:11-12 NLT

Photo courtesy of morguefile and Yoel. The word for this season of May 2015 to May 2016 is TRANSITION! Yes, in all caps! Here’s a glimpse why.

In May of 2015, our son turned 15 and got his driver's permit. Our son, 15...need I say more. Then on July 2015, I turned the once dreaded but now embraced 40 years of age. A few months later our first born applied to her college of choice and was accepted. The hunt for scholarships has now begun. Fast-forward into the new year of 2016. We will transition into having one more teenage driver, our first high school graduate and college freshman. TRANSITION!

Is God still providing during transition, and if so, how? God's Word is always perfect and timely, but am I always listening. To be honest, nope. But while reading in Joshua one morning, several verses were highlighted to me, and I realized it's a new season for this woman. And sometimes, new seasons call for new "manna" or provisions.

The Israelites transitioned from eating the manna God had provided each morning to eating directly from the land of Canaan. The same God who gave manna for nourishment also provided the produce from the land, which immediately became their physical nourishment. It’s easy to see their confusion when the manna didn't come. Picture their excitement of possibly trying all new flavors and experiencing new textures of food. Did they go through the stages of transition all at once: the ending stage, the confusion stage, and the having something new stage?

The transitions each Israelite experienced in the Promised Land brought a new and different way of receiving provision and nourishment. The provision changed, but the One who gave the provision did not change.

While going through all the transitions we face in life, there is a great comfort in knowing God continues to provide. I've learned in the last several months that things in my life will change. Personally for me, the changes are gaining another teenage driver, first born graduating and entering a new season in her life, and myself moving into a new age bracket and wondering if I'm where I'm supposed to be. What I have learned is the importance of knowing that through all life's transitions God is still providing everything I need—just maybe in a different way.

Trust that God will provide all your needs at just the right time. He never fails.

(Photo courtesy of morguefile and Yoel.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.) 

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Carlie Venkler

Carlie Venkler and her husband, Chris, reside in Alabama along with their teenage children, Aubrey and Michael, with whom they are immensly blessed.  


  1. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and forever. Thanks for the reminder of His faithfulness.