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Order My Steps

Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.  Psalms 119:133

Photo courtesy of microsoft office.In 1997 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My symptoms now had a name, and I could concentrate on my healing. Traditional measures were only a crutch. Years of injections, IV treatments, and pills brought some relief, but not a cure. Long term, my future looked formidable and daunting. Always, the struggle was a daily issue.

Then, menopause arrived. Hot flashes drove me to the point of insanity. Would I survive this onslaught? Could I? Was I strong enough? Ten years of this insanity was just too much. Constant prayers were uplifted that God would help me. But did I really believe He would? I struggled to overcome the adversary of remission and, perhaps, disbelief. I began to speak my healing, believing God had healed me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

One Saturday, my daughter and I headed out the T.D. Center for a trade show, my fan strategically placed in my purse for quick retrieval. Continual use of this aid was essential for my survival. As we meandered through the center, a female hocking her wares caught my attention. Her wares, however, weren’t items, but simply information on wholeness and healing. She spoke with me in depth and then invited me to her clinic. Later, she would provide measures based on biblical principles and holistic healing. At this point, I was willing to try anything.

Weeks later my life improved and continues to improve. I decided to retrace my steps.

Step 1: I began speaking and believing I was already healed. “…by whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).

Step 2: I accepted needed information at the T.D. Center.

Step 3: I applied what I learned and my lifestyle changed.

Step 4: Testimony: God ordered my steps and I followed His lead.

Believe. Retrace your steps to healing, and realize God ordered them.

(Photo courtesy of microsoft office.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.) 

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Phoebe Leggett

Phoebe Leggett is an author, poet, and freelance writer whose published articles, stories, and poetry have enhanced the lives of many. Although she spends many hours developing her writing craft, her family is most important. She hangs out near Greenville, South Carolina, with an understanding husband, two grown children, a gymnast granddaughter, and two lively felines.