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Alone but not Forgotten

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed.  (Mark 1:35 NIV

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)I got out of my car after dropping the kids off at school and headed to my favorite coffee shop. The place was packed. I was surrounded by people hanging out in twos. There were plenty of moms gabbing over coffee about their kids and more women and men laughing over who-knows-what. I got my coffee, stirred in the cream, and stuffed away feelings of isolation. I moved on to my next chore: grocery shopping.

That started out well. Until I saw two ladies shopping together with two baskets, a couple checking out with their groceries, and even some kids playing together in the toy aisle. Of course, there were other single people there. But today I couldn’t see that. Honestly, I’m not alone very much. I have kids and a husband and many friends. I know I don’t need to be with someone all the time, and yet that day felt lonely. It was all I noticed. I wanted company. I needed comfort in companionship.

I loaded my trunk, slid into the front seat, and put my keys into the ignition … but didn’t start the car. I knew I wasn’t really alone. God is always with me wherever I go. Problem that day was, I felt my relationship wasn’t a two-way conversation like “real” people had. “Lord,” I whispered, “I’m feeling alone, but I know you’re here too. Help me.”

Reading the gospels reminds me that Jesus was alone. In deeds, thinking, attitude, and philosophy, He was alone incessantly and, yet, was never alone. Truth was, He sought alone time, even yearned for solace. He didn’t run from it but went to it, searching for the truth in the quiet, which ultimately was God Himself.

Now, when I’m lonely, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I try to do what Jesus did: seek God. It’s the best use of my time. It keeps me focused on what really matters, and if I listen long enough, I will hear Him speak.

That day, I started my car with a song in my heart, knowing Jesus and I had a lot in common: we were not alone.

When you feel alone, seek after Jesus. 

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)

(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Heather Spiva

Heather Spiva is a freelance writer from Sacramento, CA. She loves reading, writing, and selling vintage
clothing through her Etsy shop (www.perennialpast.etsy.com). Of course, her two young boys keep her
on her toes, which in turn keeps her youthful … she hopes. Blog: www.heatherspiva.blogspot.com.