A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

Spirit & Body

We have two bodies as such. The physical body and our spiritual body. The Spirit is an important part of both. Giving our hearts to Christ brings that spiritual body into balance and therefore, helps us understand the ups and downs of the physical body – even accept them when others cannot.

God, the Good Shepherd

At age thirty-four—married, with two small kids, a full-time job, and one very large dog—cancer was the last thing on my mind.

I was shocked and barely able to speak when the doctor called and said, “breast cancer.” I stayed on the phone long enough to make an appointment before I collapsed in a puddle on the floor, sobbing. But I couldn’t stay there for long. I had children to care for, a household to run, and work obligations. I forced myself to tend to life’s daily chores.

My doctor said the cancer was an aggressive type. I would need a bilateral mastectomy. I was dumbfounded. I was young and healthy and had no family history of breast cancer. How could this possibly happen?

Numb and in a stupor, I told the doctor I needed time to think before I could make any decisions. “One month,” he said. “You can’t put the surgery off longer than a month.” He suggested getting a second surgical opinion and consulting with an oncologist.

After a few weeks of research and second opinions and countless conversations with survivors, family members, and my pastor—and a whole lot of praying—I moved forward in faith and hope and decided to have the surgery.

I set a date for the surgery and spent the next few days getting people trained at work, arranging childcare, and preparing my four-year-old daughter and six-year-old son for my absence. On the day of my surgery, I was calm and ready to get the cancer out of my body. I asked my pastor to come to the hospital that morning and pray Psalm 23 over me. I recited those powerful words over and over. I was nervous, but not afraid. I knew God was with me.

God was also with me in the following months of healing, chemotherapy, nausea, hair loss, and adjusting to my new body.

The psalmist refers to God as our Shepherd. Like a shepherd, God provides strength and protection for His sheep. He is always present, protecting, guiding, and comforting us, even in the darkest days. As a decades-long survivor, I am thankful for God’s presence and protection.

Are you walking through a difficult time? Pray and meditate on Psalm 23. God’s promises are true, and He wants to be your source of peace and rest through the dark valleys of life.  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and geralt.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)


Stiff Neck, Screwy Spine

While living in Birmingham, I visited a chiropractor because my neck hurt.

The doctor concluded, “You have a screwy spine.”

DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) bone scans confirmed osteopenia (bone loss) in my hips and spine—early stages of a weakened, brittle skeleton.

I also have osteoarthritis (joint disease) in my right thumb. I can type on my laptop and play the piano, but the pain forced me to let go of my computer mouse and learn how to use a touchpad. This “thorn in the flesh” reminds me of my weaknesses and stiff-necked rebellion—overuse of my hands and body despite warning signs.

Cancer often attacks damaged parts of the body. My mother’s broken hip most likely led to her bone cancer and death at age seventy-eight. Smokers often get cancer in their weakened lungs.

Physical weakness can also reflect spiritual weakness. Satan attacks our spirits at our weakest points. When we think our faith is strong in a particular area, Satan tempts and tests us at precisely that point. But when we ask God, He fills the holes in our faith, bodies, and minds—making us strong enough to face physical and spiritual attacks, fear the Lord, and shun evil.

God is always with us, like the grandfather who hides behind trees, following his granddaughter home from school every day to assure her safety. Unseen, God strives to protect us within the boundaries He puts in place.

I surrender my physical and spiritual flaws to Jesus daily and ask Him to massage and nourish them with His unconditional love. I hope you will do the same. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and stevepb.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Nurturing God’s Temple

I once found myself trapped in the whirlwind of a sedentary lifestyle and not nurturing God’s temple. Long hours at a desk, unhealthy eating habits, and lack of exercise took their toll on my physical and mental well-being. I was constantly fatigued and prone to illness. My self-confidence waned.

During this time, I stumbled upon Paul’s words: Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies. They resonated deeply within me and changed the trajectory of my life. Our bodies are sacred, not merely vessels for our own desires. They are dwelling places for the Holy Spirit. God has entrusted us with these physical temples, and our responsibility is to honor Him by caring for them.

Our health is not a matter of vanity or personal preference but a spiritual calling. When we neglect our bodies, we diminish our capacity to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. Then our physical well-being affects our spiritual and emotional well-being and impacts our relationships, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

God wants us to live abundant lives filled with vitality and joy. Our bodies are a precious gift, and we should be good stewards of this gift. Nurturing our health involves intentional diet, exercise, rest, and stress-management choices. By prioritizing our physical well-being, we create fertile ground for spiritual growth, enabling us to serve God and others with renewed strength and energy.

We should regularly reevaluate our approach to health and commit to honor God with our bodies. We can start by incorporating small, manageable changes into our daily routines. Choosing nourishing foods that fuel our bodies. Engaging in regular physical activity that brings us joy. Prioritizing sufficient rest. Important too, is seeking balance in all areas of our lives, ensuring that stress does not overwhelm us.

Caring for our health is not selfish but rather an act of worship. When we prioritize our well-being, we align ourselves with God’s desire for us to live abundant and purposeful lives. Embrace this divine invitation to nurture the temple of God within you and experience the transformative power it brings to every aspect of your existence. Let your body become a beacon of God’s light that radiates His love and empowers you to fulfill your unique calling.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and sasint.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Taking Care of Anger

I could have done better.

Two different companies share my office space. Tara is the first person someone sees when they enter our office. She sorts all the mail. One day, I noticed a package on her desk for my supervisor. Since Tara was at lunch, I picked it up and put it on my supervisor’s desk. Later in the day, Tara was upset because I had not let her put it on the supervisor’s desk. This, in turn, upset me.

About a month later, I saw the mail person at the door and signed for a package. I passed by Tara’s desk, and she glared at me. I told her the package was for my supervisor. Feeling stressed from the previous incident, I mumbled “back off” under my breath. Tara heard me and jumped on my case. I called the company owner and immediately explained the situation. I wanted him to listen to my side of the story to avoid misunderstanding.

When you are angry, do not sin, and be sure to stop being angry before the end of the day. Do not give the Devil a way to defeat you. Looking at this Scripture made me realize I had not taken care of my anger by the end of the day. When this happened the first time, I should have called the owner and explained the situation. Had I pursued peace as God says, I might have avoided the second incident with Tara.

Be sure to take care of your anger before the end of the day.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and AnnaKovalchuk.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

Renewing the Mind

“What’s on your mind?”

This question pops up on my computer. Some days, I must look for my mind. I may have lost it a time or two, but it’s primarily right where it should be in my head and on my shoulders, with a neck in between. Heads should be kept cool, especially when things get hot. I tried dipping mine in the pool once, but my hair turned green.

I remember Mom saying, “Don’t waste that.”

She recycled everything—reused plastic containers and bottles, paper towels, and aluminum foil. Nothing got tossed before it was mended, patched, and altered. Fabric got saved in the rag bag for quilting.

Waste not, want not. The most crucial thing one might waste is a mind. We see many people who turn to substances, seeking to ease their minds. Artificial peace? That’s a sure way to lose it. Their temporary relief is just that. Temporary. Confusion, fear, lies, and uncertainty plague this world. Temporary relief is not enough. Who needs a pickled mind?

As Paul says, the best way to have a sound mind is to practice renewing it. God’s Word is a treasure that nothing else can offer. The better question is not, “What’s on your mind?” but “What’s on God’s mind?”

I open the pages of the Bible and find comfort, mercy, and peace. And the best part is, this is an eternal source of soundness. God promises renewal of the spirit, soul, and physical body. No substance can accomplish that.

How can you renew your mind?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and covenantmedia.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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